
Wild n out cast
Wild n out cast

Lauren: I didn’t fucking know they were going to do that! I mean I give them a lot of credit, but I was like, “I did not know that that was going to transpire.” Check the clip on the “ Wild ‘N Out” cast page. SO: NOTE: Lauren has a great rap line about being gay. By the way, how fucking amazing is it that they outted me in that trailer? As I’ve said, even though my parents live in Spain, I can hear my mom’s teeth grinding. SO: No, it made us better! I tried to do it in with groups after and when it didn’t work and I’d be like, “Lauren could’ve done it.” You made us play rap improv games in every single shows. Lauren: I know, right! I’ve been a fan of this show forever! I use to watch this show in Amsterdam ( Lauren was member with the famed comedy theater Boom Chicago.) SO: Honestly, I cannot imagine a more perfect job for you. He heard about the audition, got in touch with me and I was like, “Yes, please!” Lauren: Yeah, so our bass player is a good friend with a guy at APA, an agency out here. SO: Ok, so you did a bunch of rap with Lost Moon Radio… Hey people reading this, Lauren Flans has a rap album.

wild n out cast

SO: Well you know what, we’ll post a link to it with this interview. ( laughing) Now it’s been over a year and nobody knows about it. I should’ve sent a fucking mass email to everybody. Lauren: I was going to send all these personal emails about it, and I should’ve have done that, because when you set out to do that it becomes this tasks that’s so big. SO: I think I’m a good enough friend that if you told me about it I would’ve listened to it, so you were probably just shitty about it. Did you know I have a rap album? I was really shitty about emailing people. Lauren: You know that show “ Lost Moon Radio” that I post about non-stop and I’m sure everyone is sick of hearing if they don’t live in LA? I rap in that show a lot and the album I have is from that show. SO: Ok, so how’d you get the audition for the show in the first place?

#Wild n out cast serial#

Serial Optimist: Thank you for doing this with me. Now based out of Los Angeles, I caught up with my good friend and asked her all about the show, the audition and found out that yes, she did get EMOtional when Mariah Carey dropped by the set.

wild n out cast wild n out cast

So funny and so talented, with mad rhyming skills, Lauren Flans is a great mix of neurotic, filthy, funny and creative and now she’s one of the new cast members of the MTV2 reboot of it’s hip-hop improv comedy show, “ Nick Cannon Presents, Wild N’ Out.” She’s a brilliant improviser, a talented actor, a hilarious writer… and a phenomenal rapper. Lauren can make me laugh harder than almost anyone I know. I’ll save her the embarrassment of telling specific stories of our adventures, but man did we have a good time. I first met her in 2010 when we were both hired to perform with Second City on a cruise ship. Lauren Flans is one of my favorite people on the planet.

Wild n out cast